Lajibe Estate

Bigourdan Jean-Baptiste Semmartin, former fencer with the French fencing team, has returned to his native land to become a winegrower in the Jurançon region. Passionate about tastes, smells and nature, he chose viticulture rather than gastronomy. After his sports career, he trained at prestigious estates such as Grand-Puy-Lacoste, Collioure, Emmanuel Giboulot, and finally Domaine Cauhapé. Jean-Baptiste quickly adopted biodynamic viticulture as his working philosophy. In 2018, after extensive research, he settled in Jurançon, on a 2.5-hectare lease of land from Domaine Larroudé in Lucq-de-Béarn, at the westernmost point of the appellation. Today, he vinifies eight hectares, owns century-old vines and is Demeter-certified. He also does a little négoce and distinguishes himself by double de-budding, without using any cellar technology. His wines, unfiltered and sulfite-free, are remarkably precise, verging on excellence.

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